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Benjamin Carrion Schaefer
Assistant Dean for Gradudate Student Success
Associate Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)
University of Texas at Dallas
800 W. Campbell Rd.
Richardson, TX 78050

Office: ECSN Suite 2.716B
Phone: (972) 883-4531
Email: schaferb [at] utdallas [dot] edu

PublicationsCVProfessional ActivitiesStudentsProspective Students 

I am an associate professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UT Dallas, where I lead the Design Automation and Reconfigurable Computing laboratory. We mainly work on system-level, high-level synthesis and programming methodologies for VLSI computing systems.  I received my PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Birmigham, UK in 2003.

I am the founder and director of highX Technologies. A company dedicated to making hardware design easier by providing Behavioral IPs written in ANSI C and SystemC optimized for High-Level Synthesis (HLS). We are also working different SW platforms to allow the easy customization of these BIPs. We also offer HLS training and consulting services.
News: I have recently published a book entitled: High-Level Synthesis Made Easy. The book is free for personal use. HLS book

I am interested in design methodologies for VLSI and embedded systems, to optimze application-specific processes. My work deals with modeling, analysis, synthesis, optimization and implementation of VLSI systems. and tools for automating the design process. The area offers an interesting blend of theory and practice: real-world applications give rise to research problems, for which solutions are developed using a combination of analytical and experimental techniques.

Currently, my students and I are working on exploting the benefits of raising the level of abstraction in VLSI through the use of High-Level Synthesis (HLS) and addressing any shortcomings of this new technology.
Professional Activities
Graduate Students and Alumni
Dearly Departed : If you are currently a UTD graduate or undergraduate student and are interested in working on one of the research projects in our group, feel free to email me to discuss your interests.